
I'm not a cookie cutter wife or mom. I make mistakes, but I try to learn from them. I'm not perfect, but I love my life...and isn't that everything?

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Threenagers and tweenagers

Our youngest is a threenager. Our oldest is a tween. They are giving us a run for our money. Lord, all day long...arguing, whining, grumbling about chores or simple tasks, bickering with each other. But then, by some miracle...they snuggle on the couch and watch an entire movie without one single peep. What?! Or I wake in the morning to hear them (they are always up before me as early dawn risers) working together to get breakfast. I hear S sweetly asking C what he wants for breakfast or to drink. They are capable...of being sweet, of being caring and kind. Thank you Lord.

With us, we can battle all day and then they throw their arms around our necks asking for extra hugs and tuck ins and snuggles and kisses. Amen and Thank you Lord. *sigh* We let out our collective breaths and heave ourselves onto the couch and...usually fall asleep. ha!

The sweet requests for bike rides, playing catch, going for a swim often interrupt adult tasks. We are trying harder to say "YES" more and "wait" less. It's not easy, programmed as adults to do do do and go go go. It's just a different kind of do do do. One that doesn't have a visible result at it's completion. BUT it does, very much so, have a feel. You can feel the results when it's over. It is sweet, big, swells, loves...and also stings a little. These days are fleeting. S is 10. It wasn't too long ago he was 3 like C. He's headed into 5th grade. WHEN did this happen?

So, we have a threenager and tweenager. So different. So same. Both trying to assert themselves. Both headstrong and independent. Both sweet and looking for love and adoration. Both , due to having 7 years between them, only children in their own rights, but learning how to navigate life together. Both amazing, loving, growing boys. Boys. Boys. Boys. ;-)

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